
Microsoft 070-466 Test: Most Reliable Microsoft 070-466 PDF And Latest Microsoft 070-466 Questions

You need to deploy the StandardReports project.
What should you do? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.)
A. Deploy the project from SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT).
B. Use the Analysis Services Deployment utility to create an XMLA deployment script.
C. Use the Analysis Services Deployment wizard to create an MDX deployment script.
D. Use the Analysis Services Deployment wizard to create an XMLA deployment script.
Correct Answer: AD Section: [none] Explanation
There are several methods you can use to deploy a tabular model project. Most of the deployment methods that can be used for other Analysis Services projects, such as multidimensional, can also be used to deploy tabular model projects.
A: Deploy command in SQL Server Data Tools
The Deploy command provides a simple and intuitive method to deploy a tabular model project from the SQL Server Data Tools authoring environment.
This method should not be used to deploy to production servers. Using this method can overwrite certain properties in an existing model.

D: The Analysis Services Deployment Wizard uses the XML output files generated from a Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services project as input files. These
input files are easily modifiable to customize the deployment of an Analysis Services project. The generated deployment script can then either be immediately run
or saved for later deployment.

not B: The Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Deployment utility lets you start the Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services deployment engine from the command prompt.
As input file, the utility uses the XML output files generated by building an Analysis Services project in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT).


You need to create the hierarchy in the AdhocReports project in time for the next production release cycle.

What should you do?

A. Multi-select all of the columns, right-click the columns, and then click the Create Hierarchy command. Check in the changes before the next release cycle.
B. Use the RELATED() function to consolidate the columns in the DimSalesTerritory table, multi-select the columns, right-click the columns, and then click the Create Hierarchy command. Check in the changes before the next release cycle.
C. Use the RELATEDTABLEQ function to consolidate the tables, multi-select the columns in the hierarchy, right-click the columns, and then click the Create Hierarchy command. Check in the changes before the next release cycle.
D. Use the RELATED() function to consolidate the columns in the DimEmployee table, multi- select the columns, right-click the columns, and then click the Create Hierarchy command. Check in the changes before the next release cycle.
Correct Answer: D Section: [none] Explanation
You need to identify the reports that produce the errors that Marc is receiving.
What should you do?
A. Write a query by using the Subscriptions table in the report server database.
B. Use the Windows Event Viewer to search the Application log for errors.
C. Write a query by using the ExecutionLog3 view in the report server database.
D. Search the ReportServerService_<timestamp>.log file for errors.
Correct Answer: C Section: [none] Explanation
You need to create the KPI in the AdhocReports project in time for the next production release cycle.
What should you do?
A. Create a measure by using the SUM([OrderQuantity]) expression and create a KPI based on the measure. Then set the target value. Check in the changes before the next release cycle.
B. Create a KPI based on the OrderQuantity column and then set the target value. Check in the changes before the next release cycle.
C. Create a measure by using the SUM([OrderQuantity]) expression. Then use the CREATE KPI CURRENTCUBE statement to define the KPI and target value. Check in the changes before the next release cycle.
D. Create a measure by using the COUNT([OrderQuantity]) expression and create a KPI based on the measure. Then set the target value. Check in the changes before the next release cycle.
Correct Answer: C Section: [none] Explanation
You need to ascertain why Marc did not receive his reports.
What should you do?
A. Search the ReportServerService_<timestamp>.log file for errors.
B. Search the registry for errors.
C. Use the Windows Event Viewer to search the Application log for errors.
D. Use SQL Server Management Studio to search the SQL Server logs for errors.
Correct Answer: B Section: [none] Explanation
You need create the data source view for the StandardReports project.
What should you do?
A. Generate a relational schema from the dimensions and cubes by using the Schema Generation wizard.
B. Create a data source, connect it to the data warehouse, and then use the Data Source View wizard.
C. Execute the Import from Table wizard and then use the Data Source View wizard.
D. Create a new data source view and then use the Import from Table wizard.
Correct Answer: B Section: [none] Explanation
You need to create the sales territory and product measures. Which aggregate function should you use for both measures?
A. COUNT (DISTINCT column_name)
B. Distinct Count
C. Distinct
D. Count
Correct Answer: B Section: [none] Explanation
You need to configure the SSRS data source. What should you do?
A. Store the credentials.
B. In the data source configuration window, select the Prompt for credentials option.
C. Create a .NET form to enable users to enter their credentials.
D. Configure Kerberos authentication.
Correct Answer: A Section: [none] Explanation
You need to create a measure for DOD sales.
What should you do? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose all that apply.)
A. Specify a date table by using a Mark as Date table.
B. Use the Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) PARALLELPERIOD() function.
C. Use the Business Intelligence Wizard to define time intelligence.
D. Use the Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) LAG() function.
Correct Answer: AC Section: [none] Explanation
* From scenario:
A measure must be created to calculate day-over-day (DOD) sales by region based on order date.

A: Specify Mark as Date Table for use with Time Intelligence (SSAS Tabular) In order to use time intelligence functions in DAX formulas, you must specify a date
table and a unique identifier (datetime) column of the Date data type. Once a column in the date table is specified as a unique identifier, you can create
relationships between columns in the date table and any fact tables.

C: The time intelligence enhancement is a cube enhancement that adds time calculations (or time views) to a selected hierarchy. This enhancement supports the
following categories of calculations:
Period to date.
Period over period growth.
Moving averages.
Parallel period comparisons.

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