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100% Valid Novell 050-720 exam questions and answers are tested and approved by Microsoft experts. Furthermore, we are constantly updating our Novell 050-720 exam dumps,100% guarantee in quality and reliability.

Which user authentication methods can be used with SLES 10? (Choose 4.)
F. Handshake
G. Windows Domain
H. Local (/etc/passwd)

Correct Answer: AEGH
Which statements about partitions are correct? (Choose 3.)
A. Extended partitions can be subdivided into logical partitions.
B. A primary partition consists of a continuous range of cylinders.
C. Logical partitions do not require entries in the main partition table.
D. If you use only primary partitions, you are limited to eight partitions per disk.
E. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 can only be installed on a primary partition.
F. To install more than one operating system on a partition, the partition has to include the entire cylinder range.

Correct Answer: ABC
You want to copy the master boot record, the partition table, and the 2 magic bytes at the beginning of / dev/had to a file so you can restore it later. Which command accomplishes this?
A. dd if=/dev/hda of=mbr bs=512 count=1
B. dd if=mbr of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1
C. dd of=/dev/zero if=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1
D. dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1

Correct Answer: A
The /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth-id-macaddress configuration file contains a BOOTPRO option. Which are possible values of BOOTPROTO?
A. static or dhcp
B. master or slave
C. onboot, ifpluged, or manual
D. ethernet, wireless, or manual
Correct Answer: A
From command mode in vi, what do you have to do to enter text?
A. Press e
B. Press i
C. Press k
D. Press w

Correct Answer: B
Which statement about symmetric encryption is correct?
A. The same key is used for encryption and decryption.
B. Symmetric keys are generally longer than asymmetric keys.
C. Asymmetric encryption is generally faster than symmetric encryption.
D. A public key and a private key are needed for symmetric encryption/decryption.

Correct Answer: A
After the partitions are checked and the root file system is mounted, the /sbin/init command is executed. Which process ID is assigned to /sbin/init?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 3
D. 100
E. 1000
F. Depends

Correct Answer: B
When you connect to an ssh server with your ssh client, the public key of the server is compared to the keys stored in a file on the client computer. Which file is this?
A. ~/.ssh/
B. ~/.ssh/
C. ~/.ssh/known_hosts
D. ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Correct Answer: C
You want to install the xyz-software-1.2.3-5.i586.rpm package, but only if a previous version is already installed. Which command will do this?
A. rpm -ivh xyz-software-1.2.3-5.i586.rpm
B. rpm -evh xyz-software-1.2.3-5.i586.rpm
C. rpm -Fvh xyz-software-1.2.3-5.i586.rpm
D. rpm -Uvh xyz-software-1.2.3-5.i586.rpm

Correct Answer: C
Which commands can be used if you do not find the desired information in a manual page, or find no manual page at all for a program?
A. sos program
B. info program
C. help program
D. wiki program

Correct Answer: B
Which statements about PAM are correct? (Choose 3.)
A. To enable authentication with PAM, you need a smart cart reader.
B. Each line in a PAM configuration file contains 6 columns plus optional arguments.
C. Configuration files of PAM modules can be found in /etc/pam.d/ and /etc/security/.
D. After the PAM configuration has been adjusted for an application, this application can be used by SSH.
E. The /etc/pam.d/other file contains a default configuration if no application-specific file is found in /etc/ pam.d/.
F. PAM creates a software level with defined interfaces between applications and the current authentication mechanism.

Correct Answer: CEF
What is the difference between the /dev/st0 and /dev/nst0 devices?
A. /dev/st0 is the first SCSI CD burner; /dev/nst0 refers to the CDROM drive.
B. /dev/st0 is the first tape drive; /dev/nst0 refers to the same tape drive in non-rewinding mode.
C. /dev/st0 is the first serial console; /dev/nst0 refers to the same serial console as a block device.
D. /dev/st0 is the first SCSI hard drive; /dev/nst0 refers to the same SCSI hard drive in read-only mode.

Correct Answer: B
How do you create a file called destination containing the same ACLs currently set for the file called source?
A. getfacl source > destination
B. getfacl -c source destination
C. getfacl source | cp destination
D. getfacl -x source > destination
Correct Answer: A
From the command line, which command would you use to print the file on the laser printer?
A. lp -d laser
B. lpr -p laser
C. lpq -p laser
D. print -p laser

Correct Answer: A
You want to find out if files from the wget package were altered since they were installed. Which command will give you this information?
A. rpm -V wget
B. rpm -v wget
C. rpm -F wget
D. rpm -qf wget

Correct Answer: A
In which file is the name resolution configured?
A. /etc/dns.conf
B. /etc/resolv.conf
D. /etc/nameservers
E. /etc/sysconfig/network/dns

Correct Answer: B
Which command can you use to set up limits for failed logins?
A. w
B. who
C. last
D. faillog
E. lastlog

Correct Answer: D
Which file system type supports ACLs without a special mount option?
A. ext2
B. ext3
D. ReiserFS

Correct Answer: C
Which statement about the /sbin/ldconfig command is correct?
A. The ldconfig command is used to link directories.
B. The ldconfig command is used to configure an LDAP connection.
C. The ldconfig command is used to update the software library cache.
D. The ldconfig command is used to show dynamic libraries needed by a program.

Correct Answer: C
Which command displays information about your hard drive and lets you manage certain hard drive parameters?
A. siga
B. sitar
C. fdisk
D. lspci
E. iostat
F. hwinfo
G. hdparm
Correct Answer: G

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